Having trouble staying consistent with your workout plan?

Try adding exercise to your morning routine instead of the evening! I know ...I know…. The mere thought of giving up just 5 minutes of sleep is enough to get anyone’s blood boiling, but just think about the health benefits that you will gain from a consistent workout regimen.

How many times has life thrown a curve ball at you and screwed up your plans for an evening workout session? Getting exercise out of the way in the morning before the start of a hectic day is the only guarantee that you won’t skip it later. As the day goes by and your “to-do” list seems to get longer and longer, you can take satisfaction in knowing that you’ve already crossed a work-out off the list.

Statistics show that 90% of people that are committed to working out and are satisified with their results, do so in the morning hours. And if that’s not enough to get you up and out of the bed, check out these facts:

- Working out first thing in the morning, will boost your metabolism! After all, that’s what we’re looking for, right girls?! By burning calories and fat in the morning, you will kick your body into high gear. This will benefit you throughout the day by increasing the rate at which your body burns food.

- Ever have trouble sleeping? Morning workouts will help your body’s natural clock to get into a rhythm. Your body will be energized during the day and ready for rest at night.

- Exercise stimulates your minds acuity, allowing the brain to become more alert and focused. This can last between 4 and 10 hours after a work-out session. Why not take advantage of that stimulation in the morning when you want to be alert and re-charged.

- The psychological benefit of a morning workout is that you’ll be in a healthy mind-set for the day. Who’d want to waste all that hard work on doughnuts and muffins? A morning workout will increase your ability stay on the correct path with your eating habits.

- And the best reason ->You’ll feel proud of yourself when it’s over!

For those of us that enjoy the comforts of our bed a little too much, this may sound like an impossible task. But lets try something new this year. I challenge you to start with working out in the morning for just for one-week. I promise that you’ll feel energized and ready for more!

Come on ladies, let’s work!

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