Health Concern!

Health Concern!
Depression is listed as one of the Top Five Health Concerns for women in the United States.

So, what exactly is depression?

Depression can be described as a whole body experience. It affects a person’s thinking, feeling, behavior, and physical well-being. This is not the same as simply a “bad day” or “bad mood”. People that are depressed can’t merely “pull themselves out of it” or “shake it off”. Contrarily people that are depressed may not stay “down” at all times; Often depressed people suppress those feelings and only allow them to come out when they are alone - making it difficult to detect. Depression may be an on-going feeling that pops up over the course of days, weeks, or years.

Women are twice as likely to suffer from depression as men.
Fact: Depression is often brought on through stressful life events: Death, Broken
Relationships, Sexual Abuse, Job Loss, Illness, Low Self- Esteem, Financial Worries, etc
Fact: People that have a family history of depression are more likely to be diagnosed with

Symptoms of Depression Include:
- Consistent sad, anxious, or “empty” mood
- Loss of interest is once pleasure activities
- Postpartum depression
- Loss or increase is appetite
- Restlessness, high irritability
- Excessive Sleeping, Crying
- Short tempered
- Chronic pain such as headaches, backaches, digestive issues
- Decrease in energy
- Loss of value for life
- Trouble with concentrating and making decisions
- Poor judgment, risky activity
- Drug and/or alcohol additions
- For more symptoms check

Ways to Fight Depression:

- Participate in Religious and Social Activities!
o People that have a solid spiritual foundation and are active in their churches are less likely to suffer from severe depression. A connection to something higher (and faith) often keeps the mind focused on a more positive outlook. In addition, active participation in church groups or social groups stimulate the brain and offer increased positive energy/thoughts

- Engage is Routine Exercise!
o Exercise stimulates neurotransmitters in our brain which produce Serotonin (serotonin = the feel good chemical in the brain). A study published by the British Journal of Sports Medicine found that 30 minutes of exercise per day significantly decreased the affects of patients that had been suffering from depression. Exercise is great for the inner and outer body!

- Express Yourself!
o Get into a hobby – art, poetry , dance- Anything to boost your creative juices and release stifled energy

- Eat Healthy!
o Eating fruits, veggies, and healthy foods can influence a person’s mind. Depression can increase or decrease a person’s appetite, so it is extremely important that you provide the best brain food for your mind. Good foods = good effects.

- Look on the Bright Side!
o For those of us that are worriers, it is very easy to get consumed with the problem – and the “ what ifs” – but before you go down that road, take a step back and find a silver lining in your situation.

As women we often take on a lot of outside stresses (from children, spouses, friends, family, etc). And that is fine - It’s in our genetic make-up to be caregivers and concerned with the welfare of others. However, with the increasing numbers of Depression and Anxiety caused illnesses, it is very important that we:
1) Learn to minimize stress
2) Have outlets for stress
..... in order to lead a well balanced life.
Because after all ... we want you to become the woman you've always wanted to be!

If you believe that you or someone you know is suffering from depression, you can check out more info at (national institute of mental health).

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